All our news updates can be found here!

Updated 4/20/2024

New pool keys are being issued and the gate at the pool has been re-keyed. Each homeowner will receive (1) key as long as HOA fees are paid in full. If, in the future, a key must be replaced, Homeowner’s will need to pay the $50.00 replacement fee. Please contact us through email to schedule a key pickup. We will respond to your email within 24 business hours to schedule a key pickup. 

Notices for unkept yards have been mailed. Please take the time to clean up yards and get rid of those weeds and dead landscaping! Thank you!

The next Board meeting will be Tuesday, May 14th at 6:30pm. If you would like to attend, please let us know by emailing us at either or

The Board currently consists of three board members and four members-at-large. All of us work on a volunteer basis and tackle as much as possible, as quickly as we can. We truly appreciate all of you that assist us in maintenance and giving us grace as we work to keep our community at its best.

Ever wondered what the Board does exactly? Do you want to be involved but aren’t sure how to be or what the commitment would entail? WE WANT YOU! Trust us - the gig isn’t as scary as it sounds. We are fully aware of the negative connotation associated with HOA communities, but we really are a nice group and we really do want more of our community to be involved.